Buy Skype voucher $25
You can buy a $25 voucher to top up your Skype account balance.
You can use the voucher in any country, there are no regional restrictions for use. With a Skype gift, you can take full advantage of all the benefits of this program. For example, use SkypeOut and SkypeIn services.
If the account contains a currency other than the currency of the voucher, the deposit amount will be automatically converted at the current exchange rate.
After replenishing your account, you will be able not only to use free video calls but also to call mobile numbers in any country. You can make these calls not only from your phone but also from your computer or laptop.
An email with a Skype voucher activation code will be sent to the email address you specified immediately after purchase.
How activate Skype voucher
- Sign in to your account.
- Go to Account Information> Payments & Billing and Redeem Voucher.
- Enter the unique number indicated on the voucher, PIN-code.
- Accept the Skype Terms of Service and then click Activate.