KartaOplaty, a service for the sale of digital goods, with instant transfer of purchased goods.
Our online store offers a wide range of products. We specialize in selling payment cards and subscriptions for Xbox Live, Playstation Network, iTunes, Steam, Google Play, Amazon.

Our products are 100% licensed, we cooperate with partners Buka, Novy Disk, as well as major suppliers in the world. Close cooperation helps us solve any problem as quickly as possible.
Kartaoplaty.ru, a new online store, but we have been in the business of selling digital goods for 7 years. We have more than 100,000 sales and 2,000 positive reviews through the digiseller service and oplata.info. Many years of experience in this area have made it possible to make the service as convenient and simple as possible, and the purchase procedure fast and incredibly easy
About Company
- Company Name:Deiman United Limited
- Address:306 Victoria House, Victoria, Mahe, Seycelles
- Num. Registration:099984
- E-mail:deimanltd@gmail.com