Монеты Apex PC
Apex Coins are the game currency of the Apex Legends game. After replenishing balance, you can buy Apex Packs (loot boxes), weapons, clothes and unlock new characters.

Монеты Apex PC

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Buy Apex Legends Coins PC

Apex Legends is a popular online multiplayer game. It combines two genres – shooter and battle royale. Before entering the battlefield, players can choose a character with unique abilities. The goal of the game is to stay in the safe zone for as long as possible during the battle. Up to 60 people can take part in matches. Each team has three players. With the multiplayer mode, you can play with friends or join other players.

Even though Apex Legends is a free game, it also has some paid features. Apex Coins is the virtual currency of the Apex Legend game. You can buy from 1000 to 11,500 in-game coins for real money. With each set of coins, you get an extra bonus. You can buy Apex Coins of any denomination depending on your gaming needs.

You can spend Apex Coins in the Featured part of the gaming Store. Any items here are only available for 7 days; every week the list of products is updated. Sometimes in this section of the store, you can find products that are only available in Apex Pack sets. Rare in-game items can also be bought with Apex Coins while they are available in the store.

In addition to clothes, skins, weapons, and characters you can also buy Apex Pack loot boxes. Each set costs 100 Apex Coins and consists of 3 random game items. You will definitely have 1 rare item; the probability of getting Epic is 25% and Legendary is 7.5%.

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